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API Reference

All following requests need an authentication token received as described in the guide.

Therefore, don't forget to use Authorization: Bearer <token> in your request's headers.

Please refer to the General Concepts's vocabulary to understand the concepts.

Query strings

Within Graasp, the apps are given some information by query string:

  • itemId: item id of the corresponding item

App Actions

  • id: the app action id
  • memberId: the member id related to the app action (default: current authenticated member id)
  • itemId: the item id corresponding to the current app
  • data: object containing any necessary data
  • type: the related action related to the data
  • createdAt: creation timestamp of the app action

GET App Action

GET <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-action

  • return value: an array of all app data related to itemId

GET App Action for multiple items


POST App Action

POST <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-action

  • body: { data: { ... }, type, [memberId], [visibility] }
  • returned value: created app action

App Data

  • id: the app data id
  • memberId: the member id related to the data (default: current authenticated member id)
  • itemId: the item id corresponding to the current app
  • data: object containing any necessary data
  • type: the related action related to the data
  • creator: the member id who created the app data
  • visibility: member or item
  • createdAt: creation timestamp of the app data
  • updatedAt: update timestamp of the app data

GET App Data

GET <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-data

  • return value: an array of all app data related to itemId

GET App Data for multiple items


POST App Data

POST <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-data

  • body: { data: { ... }, type, [memberId], [visibility] }
  • returned value: created app data

PATCH App Data

PATCH <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-data/<app-data-id>

  • body: { data: { ... } }
  • returned value: patched app data


DELETE <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-data/<app-data-id>

  • returned value: deleted app data

Upload a file as an app data

POST <apiHost>/app-items/upload?id=<item-id>

  • it is not possible to patch a file app setting
  • send files as form data, the name of the file will be the name of the app setting
  • returned value: created app setting

Download a file from an app data

GET <apiHost>/app-items/<app-data-id>/download

  • returned value: signed url of the file

App Context

  • members: a list of all the members having access to the app's parent and the app itself
  • item: all corresponding item properties

GET App Action

GET <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/context

  • return value: the context of the corresponding item

App Settings

  • id: the app setting id
  • name: the app setting name
  • itemId: the item id corresponding to the current app
  • data: object containing any necessary setting
  • creator: the member id who created the app setting
  • createdAt: creation timestamp of the app setting
  • updatedAt: update timestamp of the app setting

GET App Setting

GET <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-settings

  • return value: an array of all app settings related to itemId

POST App Setting

POST <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-settings

  • body: { name, data: { ... } }
  • returned value: created app setting

PATCH App Setting

PATCH <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-settings/<app-setting-id>

  • body: { data: { ... } }
  • permission: only member with the admin permission can patch an app setting
  • it is not possible to patch a file app setting
  • returned value: patched app setting

DELETE App Setting

DELETE <apiHost>/app-items/<item-id>/app-settings/<app-setting-id>

  • returned value: deleted app data
  • permission: only member with the admin permission can delete an app setting

Upload a file as an app setting

POST <apiHost>/app-items/app-settings/upload?id=<item-id>

  • it is not possible to patch a file app setting
  • send files as form data, the name of the file will be the name of the app setting
  • returned value: created app setting

Download a file from an app setting

GET <apiHost>/app-items/app-settings/<app-setting-id>/download

  • returned value: signed url of the file

Parent Window

Since apps are embedded in Graasp with an iframe, it is possible to communicate with the parent window using both regular window.postMessage and MessageChannel. One should first use window.postMessage to get the context, as well as the MessageChannel's port to continue the process (see guide).


GET Context


Context is different from App Context! Context (sometimes called Local Context) is always available to the app, even without using Graasp API, while App Context can only be fetched with a token.

type: 'GET_CONTEXT',
  • return values:
    • apiHost: the api host origin
    • context: where the app is running (eg: builder, explorer, standalone, ...)
    • itemId: item id which corresponds to your app resource id
    • lang: language
    • memberId: the current authenticated user using the app
    • permission: the current member's permission
    • settings: the corresponding item settings
    • as well as the port of the MessageChannel you will use from now on to communicate with the parent window.


GET Authentication Token

payload: {
key: <app key>,
origin: <app origin>,
  • return value: authentication token