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Getting Started

In this page we guide you through setting up a working local development environment. By the end of this guide you should have a working version of the Graasp platform running on your computer.


If you want to develop a Graasp app, you don't need the full setup. You can head over to the Graasp App Development section.


We will assume that you have a UNIX compatible machine at your disposal (Mac, Linux or Windows with WSL). All instructions should work independently of the environment. If you encounter problems, please open an issue.


If not done already please install these required tools

  • Docker Desktop (if using Mac or Windows), on Linux you should be good with installing the docker package.
  • Node version 20 or above with volta or nvm (recommend, see the intro section)
  • git for version control operations

Installing Yarn with volta

Volta allows you to use global packages as if you were using local ones.

volta install node
volta install yarn

Enabling Yarn with nvm


Skip this section if you are using volta as your package manager.

Yarn is a package manager for node and javascript projects. It is faster than npm. The recommended way of enabling yarn is using corepack.

Start by running corepack enable Then corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate

You should now have yarn enabled with your version of node defined by nvm. To check run yarn --version or which yarn


This operation should be repeated every time you update the version of node you use.

Backend installation

Getting the source code

Go to the Graasp backend repo and clone it locally.


If you are using the Github CLI simply gh repo clone graasp/graasp. We recommend using the Github CLI as it helps with interacting with GitHub trough the terminal if this is your thing. (We think it is is faster for a lot of things, but you are welcome to use a GUI (Graphical user interface) if you prefer.)

Opening dev containers

  1. Open the Docker Desktop app.

This app should run in the background. You do not need to add have it automatically start when you open your session. It simply needs to run when you want to use the backend to code.

  1. Open the repo in VSCode. Make sure the "Dev Containers" extension is downloaded and enabled.

  2. Then open the folder in the dev-container by using the command palette cmd+shift+P (or ctrl instead of cmd), and typing Open Folder in Container.

  3. You should now wait for VSCode to pull the containers and initialize the development environnement. You will know that the process if finished once the window says: workspace [Dev Container: Node.js & PostgreSQL @desktop-linux] and no more loaders are present.

If you encounter an error at this stage, make sure that the Docker Desktop app is open. If you encounter an issue with the definition of the dev-container not willing to start you can open an issue on the graasp backend repository on GitHub or send an email to the graasp developers. We try to offer support as best as we can.

Installing dependencies

After the containers are up and running execute yarn (you can also run yarn install which is the same) in the dev-container terminal (in VSCode) to install the backend dependencies.


The install command will take some time to run the first time. This is a good time to take a small break, enjoy a or a 🍵.


If the command exits with an error you might have to allocate more resources to the docker container.

For this go to the Docker Desktop app settings and under "Resources" allocate up to 8GB of RAM (depending on your system resources you might want to allocate less) and up to 4CPUs.

Add environment variables

Open the configuration in the Copy it to a new file named .env.development in the root of your backend folder.

Most of the configuration values have already been set for you in the readme, but you will need to generate some secret keys for your application.

Secret keys

Open the .env.development file and look for places that ask for <secret-key>. The first one should be SECURE_SESSION_SECRET_KEY. To generate a secret you can simply run:

npx @fastify/secure-session > secret-key && node -e "let fs=require('fs'),file=path.join(__dirname, 'secret-key');console.log(fs.readFileSync(file).toString('hex'));fs.unlinkSync(file)"

Replace the <secret-key> placeholder with the output of the command (a string of numbers). Repeat the process until you have generated all necessary keys. You can search for <secret-key> in the file in order to located them (you can use cmd+f to search in the file).

Google RECAPTCHA key


This part should be optional, but if you want to be as close as possible to the how the app works in the real world, it is recommended to set it up.

See detailed information in the section below

Launching the backend server

We should be all set. Run yarn watch in the VSCode terminal to start the backend server.

Wait a moment, for the server to build, will see the [Node] [nodemon] restarting due to changes... text printed to the console. Wait to see:

[Node] {"level":30,"time":1709056074491,"pid":33974,"hostname":"4ca0ec878e31","msg":"Server listening at"}

If everything went well, opening http://localhost:3000/status in your browser should greet you with "OK".

If you are facing an error, check the Troubleshooting page to see if your issue is mentioned there.


Your browser might not be able to resolve the localstack domain when uploading and viewing files. To use localstack with the Docker installation, it is necessary to edit your /etc/hosts with the following line localstack. This is necessary because the backend creates signed urls with the localstack container hostname. Without changing the hosts, the development machine cannot resolve the http://localstack hostname.

Do not forget to reboot your computer for these changes to take effect

Frontend installation

With the backend server running we will now need to clone, install and run the client applications.

All the Clients

There are 6 client application in Graasp:

  • Builder: service to create content
  • Player: service to view created content
  • Library: service to publish content
  • Analytics: service to explore interaction traces
  • Auth: service to log-in
  • Account: service to manage your account

For each one:

  • Clone the repo
  • Open the repo in VSCode (you can use the Add folder to Workspace option to have them all in the same window)
  • Open a terminal at the root of the repo, make sure you have node enabled and run yarn to install the project dependencies
  • Create the necessary .env.development file in each project. Look for instructions and examples about this in the Readme of each project
  • Start each project with yarn start

Generating reCaptcha keys for auth and the backend

You will likely need to generate your own RECAPTCHA key in order for the auth frontend to be able to send requests to the backend. For this you will need a Google account.

Once that is done, you should get 2 keys, a Site key and a Secret key. The Site key should go into the .env.development file from the Auth project under the VITE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY variable. The Secret key should go into the .env.development file from the backend project under the <google-recaptcha-key> placeholder.


Do not share these keys with anyone. Do not push them to version control (git). If you loose them, you can always re-generate new keys.

Making sure everything works

With the default setup you should have the following:

  • Backend Server running on http://localhost:3000
  • Auth frontend running on http://localhost:3001
  • Builder frontend running on http://localhost:3111
  • Player frontend running on http://localhost:3112
  • Library frontend running on http://localhost:3005
  • Analytics frontend running on http://localhost:3113
  • Account frontend running on http://locahost:3114

To start using the platform, open http://localhost:3111, http://localhost:3112 or http://localhost:3001

As this the backend server is all fresh and new, there are no user accounts yet. Register using any email you want (, it does not need to be a real email (it should only look like one). No emails will leave your computer, everything will be local.


If you have trouble registering, check that you have generated reCaptcha keys and that they are set inside you .env* files (in the backend and in auth).

Once you have registered with an email, open http://localhost:1080. There you should see a webUI called MailCatcher, it is a mail interface where you should see the registration email from graasp. Click on the link and continue the procedure.

Try to upload a file. If you get an error make sure that you have set S3_FILE_ITEM_PLUGIN to true in the backend env file. If you change the value, kill the server (ctrl+C) and relaunch it for the environmental changes to take effect. If you are able to upload but there is an error when you want to display the file, make sure you have done the trick for the localstack domain described in the running the backend tip section.


If you restart you computer, the stored files will disappear, but not their item record. This is expected as localstack (the solution we use to fake s3 storage) does not provide persistence without buying the "pro" license.


If you are still here, congratulations, you have successfully installed a development version of Graasp. You can take a well deserved break with a coffee or tea.

We are looking forward to hear from you on our open-source projects, collaborating and building engaging platforms.

If you have any comments regarding this guide, please open an issue on GitHub, or send us a mail: contact [at] graasp [dot] org