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Developing locally

This document describes the steps needed to develop on the Graasp mobile app locally.


For simplicity we will assume that you are using macOS as your operating system and that you have administrator rights.


XCode (needed to build and run for iOS devices)

You will need to have XCode installed if you are planning on running the iOS version of the app. Download Xcode in the Mac app Store

Once downloaded:

  1. Open XCode
  2. Open the Settings cmd + ,
  3. Go to "Locations" -> "Command Line Tools" and ensure the path is set.

Install fastlane and cocoapods using brew:

brew install fastlane cocoapods

Android Studio

This section might need some more details

If you plan to run the android version you will need Android Studio.

Install openjdk@11 using brew:

brew install openjdk@11

Configuration files

The project needs configuration files for the google services (firebase).

You should go to the firebase console and create a new project.

After that you will need to add iOS and Android sdk to your project (use the little icons on the project page).

The bundle identifier for iOS is (defined in app.config.js) The android package name is the same (defined in app.config.js)

Once you have the GoogleServices-Info.plist and the google-services.json in your possession you will have to put them somewhere in your computer.

Building the expo-dev-client locally

In this section we will build an expo-dev-client app that you will be able to install in the iOS or android simulator. This app will then be able to connect to your development sever that will stream the dev bundle. This method supports hot reloading etc.

You should create a .env.local file at the root of the project. You should put the absolute path to the Google services config files location.


Also in this file add any environment variables you might need in the app such as hosts for local development.


You should also login once to EAS using npx eas-cli login

With this in place you should able to run the command to build the dev-client app:

npx env-cmd -f .env.local npx eas-cli build -e development-simulator --platform ios --local

This command pulls your env variables from the .env.local file so they are available to the build process. Then it runs the build command so to speak. We are here choosing the development-simulator profile which is used to create the simulator app. We also instruct it to create the build locally.

This command might fail, make sure that you have all the pre-requisites need for it to work.

You can contact basile[at] in case of issues.

Once the command finishes, you should see a new file named along the lines of build-1698223457900.tar.gz where you executed the build command. you can simply de-compress that file and you will get a .app that you can drag-drop inside the open iOS simulator to install it.

Running the app

Now that you have the dev-client installed in the simulator you can start the dev server using the yarn start command.

Then you can press i to launch it in the iOS simulator (make sure it is open the first time).

There you go !