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Authentication Process

React Framework

We provide a library for React based apps, to easily connect to the API. Go to the query client or take a look at this repository.

In order to access the API and get the app token, the apps should fullfil the following requirements:

  • be registered as publisher in the database. If you are using our instance, you will need to contact us in order to be added. You will need to provide a name and origin urls where you will host your applications.
  • have an APP_ID provided by Graasp. If you are using our instance, you will need to contact us in order for us to generate a valid key you can use.


Here are the steps to request a token:

  1. Request a context: The app is iframed in the Graasp platform. It can access it's parent window's context by sending a postMessage.
type: 'GET_CONTEXT',

The response will contain one of the port of the MessageChannel you will use from now on to communicate with the parent window.

This endpoint is available for any apps, even if you don't fullfil the requirements.

  1. Request a token: Once you have access to the MessageChannel's port you can request a token as follows:
payload: {
key: <app key>,
origin: <app origin>,

The response will contain token you will be using to request your app's data.

  1. Use the API: From now on you can freely use your token to access the API and fetch various data. See the API Documentation.

  2. Refetch the token: The token might expire. In this case, redo step 2.