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March 12th, 2024 - New Features and Improvements

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This comprehensive update enhances various aspects across the Graasp platforms, introducing description placement for items, streamlined data sharing features, analytics view integration, code highlighting fixes, and resolving login issues for enhanced user experience. Read further to see the full details!

Graasp Builder

  • Enable the option to position the description below each item, enhancing its visibility and presentation within the interface.

Graasp Apps

  • Empower reader users to seamlessly share data with other users.
  • Enhance the Quiz app by introducing an analytics view
  • Resolve highlighting issues for Python code in the Code Capsule app.


  • Resolve the item login issue to guarantee seamless user reuse based on their usernames.

We warmly welcome and encourage feedback from our users to continuously improve our platform. You can contact us by email or by submitting an issue in this Github repository.